Zum Tod des
macedonischen Präsidenten Trajkovski


22. Nov. 2007

04. Okt. 2007

16. Mai 2007

15. Mai 2007

02. Feb. 2007

01. Feb. 2007

30. Jan. 2007

Trajkovski death: further enquiries needed
Information Council of Europe

The suspicious death of president Trajkivski
Rapport Council of Europe (pdf-doc)

Council of Europe Probes Death of Ex-Macedonian President
Balkan insight

PACE member to visit Skopje to seek information on the circumstances of President Trajkovski’s death
CoE - Note to editors

Numerous suspicious elements
in the death of President Trajkovski

Interview mit 'Vreme', Macedonien

Council of Europe will investigate the death of pres. Trajkovski
Bericht in 'Vreme', Macedonien

Trajkovskis Tod - Unfall oder Attentat?
Unbequeme Fragen im Europarat - Anlauf zu einer Untersuchung


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